
5 Businesses to start with 100k in Nigeria (Updated)

5 Businesses to start with 100k in Nigeria (Updated)

Business to start with 100k and make a good profit is one of the most asked questions and this article is focused on providing the answer to that question by listing and explaining the type of business to start with 100k in Nigeria and make a good ROI.

List of businesses you can start with 100k

  • Phone Accessories Business
  • Sales of bed cover Business
  • Laundry business
  • Pos Business
  • Bread supply distribution

What business can I start with 100k?

Phone Accessories Business

Phone accessories are a very lucrative business, especially if you know how to relate well with the people who import them directly from China. With little or no experience you can venture into phone accessories which are the charger, cable and screen protector, and casing. For a start, a nice location is needed where people pass. If possible get a mini space in the market or by the roadside.

For a start, you can begin with the phone cables and charger which move very well unlike the casing and screen protector. Identifying what your customers need is a key factor in the phone Accessory business. So basically starting with the charger and cables with the earpiece is perfect. As we all know that the commonly used charges are the USB 2.0, type-c, and iPhone chargers, so selling them will not be difficult and as time goes on you can add other products.

Sales of bed cover Business

This is another lucrative business that people haven’t really tapped. You can start by buying UK used bedspread from where they are offloading on their market day. By doing so you can get them cheap and also buy one of good quality. To start this type of business you need proper tutoring from those that are already in the business. So that they will show you how it is been done and also their market day.

Laundry business

With 100k you can start your own laundry business, and also make a reasonable profit from it. How to go about it is by telling the people close to you, at your workplace and your place of worship if you have one. Location doesn’t really matter as long as you can reach out to people and also post on all your social media accounts. Get good pressing iron and packaging materials and also good detergent. These are the important tools needed to start.

Pos Business

This is another great business you can start with 100k. You can read my previous article on how to start a pos business and terminal to start with.

Bread supply distribution

You can also start to supply people with bread while you serve as the middle man, all it requires from you is to locate a bakery where they make nice bread after which you supply to supermarkets or people that sell in retail

Egg supply business

Just like the bread supply business. You will need to locate a place where they sell eggs depot where you buy and resell to small retailers who then sell to the final consumers

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