How to upgrade gotv after payment in Nigeria
Most gotv customers or subscribers often times like to upgrade their package after they have made their payment for the current plan, and when this kind of thing happens most of them will just pay for another package while the previous one is still running making it two packages running at the same time.
It is possible to upgrade the plan or package after payment if you don’t like the current one or would like to see more channels which is not available on the current one using the gotv self-service. follow the steps below to upgrade your package after payment
How to upgrade gotv package after payment
- Download the mygotv app from our app store
- sign in with your iuc and phone number or registered name
- Click on change package
- select your desired package
- select pay now
- choose any payment platform either interswitch or payu
- pay and refresh the app
note you will only be required to top up the payment.