
How to grow your pos business with Moniepoint POS machine

How to grow your pos business with Moniepoint pos machine.

It’s no news that pos business is one of the trending businesses now in Nigeria with every street filled with pos agents. There is no place where you won’t find a pos agent even at parties, they are everywhere making financial transactions easy for people.

People hardly go to the main bank ATM machine to withdraw money, they just use a pos operator around the Conner to get their cash unless it is a bulky one. So the main question for agency banking agents is how can they grow the business and also make a better profit since the competition is extremely high.

To make a reasonable profit from the business, you need to have a good location and most especially a good pos machine with a stable network which is the main focus of this article.

As an agent, you need to have two pos machines in case one fails but the primary one must be the one with a good and stable network plus standby customer service and I can only recommend one machine for this which is the Moniepoint pos.

The reason why you should choose Moniepoint as your primary pos

Moniepoint pos comes first when it comes to charges, Network and customer support, and also agent loan. Moniepointagenet loan is given to their agent at low interest.

Network wise Moniepoint is excellent. Their network is very reliable for both deposits and withdraws with an added feature of a network monitor. This feature allows agents to see the network of different banks before carrying out a certain transaction.

Customer service support is also great they have a WhatsApp group where every agent issue is been sorted out and it runs from 8am-8pm.

For every transaction carried out on the terminal, you get a commission depending on your rank. But in terms of charges, 0.5% from 1 – 19,999 and 100 naira flat to 1 million Naira and 20 Naira for deposit to any bank.

Moniepoint Target on pos

When it comes to meeting daily targets, Moniepoint is the lowest. The target now is 20k daily on withdrawal transactions Sundays

Get a Moniepoint pos today and watch your business grow like Magic and worry less about the network.

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